In a smart city, everyone can fully participate and make use of the public space.


The Netherlands has rectified the UN Handicap Convention. The treaty entitles people with a disability or chronic condition to equal treatment and equal participation. More than 2 million people with a disability live in the Netherlands, they are visually impaired, blind, deaf or have a physical or mental disability or psychological problems. This number will increase further due to the aging population. WeCity has developed the QuickScan Accessibility Public Space in collaboration with GIS Specialists.


What does the Quick Scan entail?

An accessibility index for public space is created through an analysis and classification of various data sources. That means:

  • A full QuickScan within 10 working days without complex, time-consuming and expensive technical tools and calculation models
  • At a glance on a map insight into where there are areas for improvement. So, you can prioritize and implement your policies more successfully
  • A handy communication tool for your residents and visitors to the municipality.


Who is the QuickScan Accessibility Public Space for?

The QuickScan Accessibility Public Space is for municipalities that want to improve mobility and accessibility for their residents and visitors, but do not yet know how or where to start. For municipalities that are already further along, the quick scan helps to monitor the progress and/or the realization of the UN Handicap Convention.


Start small, expand easily

With the Quick Scan you have fast results and the opportunity to grow. To get a more detailed insight, we offer simple expansion options together with our partners. Like:


  • A more extensive and detailed map image with the addition of additional data sources such as traffic flows, road surface quality, road works and events.
  • A smart route app for disabled people that takes into account obstacles and the accessibility of public spaces.
  • Smart sensors to collect real-time insight on a variety of topics.

    An accessible public space provides benefits for everyone. Young and old. Good walking or disabled. With targeted measures you create an environment that invites movement and participation. You can start with that today. Do you want to know more? Fill in the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.