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The city is an increasingly complex network of people, assets and space. Everything is connected to everything. It is therefore strange that we often still organize the design and management of the environment from silos, domains and separate solutions. WeCity believes this can be done differently.


City Makers are people who work together with heart and soul to create a positive impact in the space around us. They start initiatives and support the city of tomorrow. City Makers want to make the city an even more beautiful place and use collective brainpower, innovation and exploration to achieve this.


Together with StadsMakers we connect solutions and management based on a broad urban vision. We look over those green hedges and wooden fences. WeCity offers City Makers like you the digital tools and support for a future-oriented approach to public space.


We do this based on the following principles: 

  • Transparency. We show you what is already available to you as a City Maker
  • Trust. We ensure secure data exchange that you can rely on
  • Governance. We ensure good, clear agreements and coordination within the ecosystem
  • Cooperation. We work with you as a partner, whether you are a company or government organization.